TRIO Works

Student Spotlights

Kariffa Chiu
Kariffa Chiu

Major: Education

Degree: Teaching Certificate – Level 2

Most Memorable Moment in TRIO: How TRIO guided me on how to accomplish my goal.

Amber Dayton
Amber Dalton

Major: Apparel Design and Merchandising

College/University: San Francisco State University

I am most passionate about: Art, color, and design.

Most Memorable Moment in TRIO: The care and support from the members of the TRIO program meant so much to me. Thank you!

Brenda Feldman
Brenda Feldman

Major: English

College/University: San Jose State

I am passionate about: Reading.

Most Memorable Moment in TRIO: My most memorable TRIO experience was when we went on field trips such as visiting college campuses.

Francisco Hernandez
Francisco Hernandez

Major: Communications

College/University: San Francisco State University

I am passionate about: I am passionate about sports and learning. I enjoy learning different things, especially life lessons. I love interacting with people of different backgrounds.

Most Memorable Moment in TRIO: The most memorable moment with TRIO will always be Alicia Cardenas and how helpful she was throughout my 3 years here at West Valley. She was always very motivating and leading the example, and for that I'm very grateful.

Monika Milani
Monika Milani

Major: Theater Arts

College/University: UC Santa Cruz

I am passionate about: Integrity within workspace, teamwork, and artistic expression.

Most Memorable Moment in TRIO: Notably, I met a few lifelong, hardworking friends in TRIO at Mission College and West Valley College; I was able to create solid plans to graduate with multiple AA's where I thought I may not before. The resources and support to be found with TRIO became fundamental to my success at WVC.

Maria Palma
Maria Palma

Major: Social Justice

College/University: San Francisco State University

I am passionate about: Coffee and people.

Most Memorable Moment in TRIO: The incredible and dynamic support system that repeatedly helped me.

Jorge Antonio Prado
Jorge Antonio Prado

Major: Business Administration

College/University: San Jose State University

I am passionate about: Uplifting others.

Most Memorable Moment in TRIO: I enjoyed every second of this program. This program was my backbone since the second I joined, and made me do a 180 change academically with its overwhelming tutoring services and support. Turned me form a Withdraw and C’s student to a 3.1 GPA student.

Juliet Roman
Juliet Roman

Major: Sociology

College/University: California State University San Marco

I am passionate about: Helping others.

Most Memorable Moment in TRIO: Attending the TRIO Student Leadership Conference.

Ali Taleghani
Ali Taleghani

Major: Statistics – Data Science

College/University: UC Davis

I am passionate about: Working out and biking.

Most Memorable Moment in TRIO: Most memorable experience from TRIO is the good feelings I get from helping other students and getting help from the wonderful tutors. I am blessed to be in such an environment.

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Stay in touch with us on Instagram: @wvctrio

Last Updated 1/3/25