THEA 10: Introduction to Theatre
Online Introduction to Theatre, 50838, begins Monday, June 17. Course access begins Sunday, June 16 at 5 PM.
Required: Access the course by the end of Monday, June 17 and respond to my Inbox message (aka the course email). Your first day response is the same as attending the first day of class. Students who do not reply may be dropped at midnight that day to make room for waitlisted students.
Canvas Course
This online class is taught in Canvas.
Follow login instructions for course access on June 17. Once in, explore the site. On the left side of the page are two columns. The far left column has Inbox and Calendar. The column next to that has the course content: Homepage, Syllabus, Modules, Assignments, Grades, etc. Click on each link to see the course content.
Edwin Wilson, THE THEATRE EXPERIENCE, 14th, 13th or 12th edition. 14th edition is at the WVC bookstore and online bookstores. 13th and 12th editions may be found at online bookstores. It is crucial for your success in the course that you have access to the textbook.
Book/Play Script
Tennessee Williams, A STREETCAR NAMED DESIRE. There is a .pdf of the script online. The book can also be found at online bookstores and libraries.
Course Content
- Textbook reading
- 5 Quizzes
- Discussions — respond to topic prompts and classmates
- Read “A Streetcar Named Desire”, do Play Analysis Assessment
- See 2 two shows, submit two Theatre Critiques. Seeing live theatre is a crucial component of the course. Online viewing options may be available upon request and only if necessary.